Park County Board of County Commissioners
Regular Meeting
Tuesday, July 5, 2023
Chairwoman Dossie Overfield called to order a regular meeting of the Board of County Commissioners of Park County, Wyoming, on Tuesday, July 5, 2023. Present were Vice Chairman, Lloyd Thiel, Commissioners Lee Livingston, Scott Mangold, Scott Steward and Clerk Colleen Renner.
Commissioner Mangold led the audience in the pledge of allegiance.
Consent Items:
Approve-Minutes, Payroll and Vouchers
Commissioner Livingston made a motion to approve the following consent agenda items as listed: minutes from June 20, 2023; payroll in the amounts of $645.94, Elected wage $102,185.29 and $666,675.12 for employees including insurance; approve and allow Chair to sign new lease for Public Defender’s Office; and approve and sign OneWyo Opioid Settlement Agreement Letter to Mayors. Commissioner Mangold seconded and the motion carried.
Commissioners – RE: Continued Public Hearing: Appeals of River Ridge Subdivision MS-74
Chairwoman Overfield opened the continuation of the public hearing.
Mr. Edwards, County Engineer presented the additional traffic and survey data that was requested by the Commissioners which is what the administrative relief was based on.
Mr. Dougherty presented his concerns regarding what he considers the “back door issue” which could be a civil issue between landowners who are being trespassed against. Mr. Herman and Mr. Harvey provided rebuttal to Mr. Dougherty’s comments. The study provided by Mr. Edwards shows there is a lot of traffic on Corbett Road that does not exist on River’s Ridge Road.
Commissioner Livingston moved to close the public hearing Commissioner Mangold seconded, motion carried.
After discussion on easement and utility easement, and average daily traffic, Commissioner Steward moved to uphold the engineer’s recommendations for administrative relief, Commissioner Livingston seconded, motion carried. RESOLUTION 2023-36
Jeff Martin, Homeland Security Director – RE: Update on Vigilant Guard Training Event
Mr. Martin stated there were 24 law enforcement, 18 EMS from Cody and Powell and 42 local responders participating and 34 organizations from State, Federal and local resources also participated. The relationships that were built were well worth the small overall cost to the County. One thing that became apparent was County employees did not have proper credentials or County ID cards. The Board was very complimentary on the event.
Pat Stuart, Library Board – RE: Powell Library Expansion Project Update
Ms. Stuart provided a history of the Powell library and the progress since 2004. In October 2022, the Board met with a design specialist for recommendations to reduce the cost and work on the design elements.
Mr. Bauman presented plan from GSG, a firm that specializes in libraries, to move the group forward in the overall planning for the library and possible expansion. The foundation will pay the cost and is also working on the application to apply for State grant funds to build the library. The Commissioners are good with the group moving forward to have the site visit and thanked them for the update.
Historic Preservation Commission – RE: CLG Grant/Budget
Mr. Beauvais gave a brief update on the grant that was written two years ago to hire national registrar writers for nominations of historic places. Clerk Renner stated there is a budget line to handle the grants going forward and to turn invoices into accounts payable.
Executive Session.
Commissioner Livingston made a motion to enter executive session pursuant to W.S. § 16-4-405 (a) (ii), Commissioner Thiel seconded, and motion carried.
Commissioner Livingston moved to exit from executive session, Commissioner Thiel seconded, and the motion carried. Commissioner Mangold made a motion to approve recommendations that were discussed, Commissioner Livingston seconded, motion carried.
Chairwoman Overfield asked if anyone on the Board would be opposed to the Winchester Gun Show placing their sandwich board at the complex from July 14-16. All felt this would just be administrative and to allow.
Brian Edwards, Engineer, Public Works Department – RE: Local Government ARPA Grant
Mr. Edwards stated the County applied jointly with City of Cody for the State Lands and Investments Board to secure funding from the State ARPA grant for the sewer lagoon project and was awarded $2 million with a County match of $2 million to be utilized before 2026. The MOU was reviewed by the County Attorney and is acceptable in form with no objections. Commissioner Thiel moved to approve the award agreement and allow the chair to sign, Commissioner Steward seconded, motion carried.
Commissioners – RE: ARPA Funds Discussion
Mr. Pomajzl reviewed several projects that have been completed under budget. After discussion Commissioner Thiel moved to transfer all unused funds from completed projects paid by the ARPA Covid grant and reallocate said monies to the HVAC system project, Commissioner Livingston seconded, motion carried.
Commissioners – RE: Updated Personnel Policy
Clerk Renner gave the highlights of the changes which included an additional ½ day for Christmas Eve, re-hiring someone formally employed by the County, employees hired July 1, 2023, or after will receive PTO and an EIB bank, and an updated whistleblower description was put in place. Clerk Renner stated Mallory Riley, Deputy County Attorney worked closely with the committee and Renner is waiting final acceptance for County Attorney Skoric.
Commissioner Mangold moved to approve the updated personnel policy as presented, Commissioner Livingston seconded, motion carried.
Executive Session.
Commissioner Livingston made a motion to enter executive session pursuant to W.S. § 16-4-405 (a) (x), Commissioner Mangold seconded, and motion carried.
Commissioner Livingston moved to exit from executive session, Commissioner Steward seconded, and the motion carried. No decisions were made in or as a result of the executive session.
Colleen Renner, Clerk and Steve Pomajzl, Park County Accounting – RE: Budget Discussion
Mr. Pomajzl gave an update on the budget with additions of replacing boilers in the LEC, purchasing two crack sealers, and IT upgrading Commissioners Board Room. Possibility of building and grounds purchasing a dump truck from Landfill, bumping up costs on Road & Bridge roof, and remaining dollars put towards the HVAC system project. Value of wages are in budgets currently. Mr. Pomajzl will present a full list of adjustments at next Tuesday’s work session.
Commissioner Livingston moved to adjourn, Commissioner Mangold seconded, and the motion carried.
Dossie Overfield, Chairwoman
Lloyd Thiel, Vice Chairman
Lee Livingston, Commissioner
Scott Mangold, Commissioner
Scott Steward, Commissioner
Colleen Renner, County Clerk
Publ., Thurs., July 27, 2023