City of Powell Minutes Sept. 3, 2024


City minutes

City Council Proceedings
September 3, 2024
The governing body of the City of Powell met in regular session at 6:00 p.m. on September 3, 2024, in the Council Chambers of City Hall. Mayor John Wetzel called the meeting to order, and the following were present: Council Members Tim Sapp, Floyd Young, Steven Lensegrav, Zane Logan, Geoff Hovivian and Lesli Spencer. City Officials: Administrator Zack Thorington, City Clerk Tiffany Brando and City Attorney Alexa Rolin. Approval of Agenda: Councilman Young moved to approve the agenda as presented, seconded by Councilman Lensegrav, unanimous approval, MOTION CARRIED.
Approval of August 19, 2024 Minutes: Councilman Logan moved to approve as presented, seconded by Councilman Sapp, unanimous approval, MOTION CARRIED. Bills and Claims: Councilman Sapp abstained #45. Councilman Lensegrav made a motion the bills be allowed and authorize the Treasurer to draw warrants for payment of the same, seconded by Councilman Young, unanimous approval, MOTION CARRIED. Committee Updates: WMPA Dinner Sept 18th and Region 3 Meeting in Powell Sept 11th.
County SS-11 Lot 1-A Sewer Service Discussion: Administrator Thorington gave background on the history of original lots 1 and 2 and sewer service extension agreement. When it was subdivided again the county is requiring Lot 1-Ato have a sewer connection, or a letter from the council to allow for septic as the grade for this lot is not accessible to connect to sewer without a lift station. Administrator Thorington has drafted a letter to be filed with the county reviewed by the attorney. Councilman Sapp moved to approve an official letter regarding vacating sewer requirement on Lot 1-A until it is annexed into City Limits, seconded by Councilwoman Spencer, unanimous approval, MOTION CARRIED.
Tabled Aug 19th, 2024 Division Street Storm Drainage Discussion: Administrator Thorington discussed the changes the attorney requested after the last meeting to NWC in regard to the storm drain basin and updated language on long term liability was approved. Councilman Logan moved to remove the discussion from the table, seconded by Councilman Lensegrav, unanimous approval, MOTION CARRIED. Administrator Thorington discussed the request for a groundwater report and has been complete and meet all requirements and is attached for signatures as well as the updated agreement. Councilman Lensegrav moved to approve the agreement with NWC and retention storm basin and engineer’s report and authorize all necessary signatures, seconded by Councilman Logan, unanimous approval, MOTION CARRIED.
Extension of Fuel Contract: Administrator Thorington discussed the one-year extension for Baily Enterprise, Inc. Councilman Logan moved to accept and authorize all necessary signatures, seconded by Councilman Sapp, unanimous approval, MOTION CARRED. Bid Results Police Interceptors: Administrator Thorington stated received one bid from Fremont Motors Powell for two Police Interceptors for a total of $100,500. Councilwoman Spencer moved to approve and authorize all necessary signatures, seconded by Councilman Hovivian, unanimous approval, MOTION CARRIED.
Bid Results Water Shop Truck: Administrator Thorington discussed 3 bids received and the low bid is Fremont Motors Riverton in the amount of $47,474 and recommends low bidder. Councilman Young moved to approve purchase from Fremont Motors Riverton and authorize all necessary signatures, seconded by Councilman Lensegrav, unanimous approval, MOTION CARRIED.
Bid Results Compact Crossover SUV’s: Administrator Thorington discussed 4 bids received and the low bid did not meet spec from Fremont Motors Riverton, 2nd low bid Fremont of Motors Powell would take 10 months to receive and be in the next fiscal year and was rescinded by the dealer, so is recommending the 3rd bid from Fremont Motors Powell that are currently in stock for a total of $56,411. Councilman Lensegrav moved to approve Fremont Motors Powell bid of $56,411 and authorize all necessary signatures, seconded by Councilman Hovivian, unanimous approval, MOTION CARRIED.
Adjourn: There being no further business to be considered at this meeting; Councilwoman Spencer moved to adjourn, seconded by Councilman Hovivian, unanimous approval, MOTION CARRIED. Mayor Wetzel adjourned the regular meeting at 6:17 p.m.
/s/ John F. Wetzel​​, Mayor​​​​​​
​/s/ Tiffany Brando, City Clerk

City of Powell payments

1 AFLAC Dependent Childcare $416.66 Payroll Deductions
2 AFLAC Insurance Premiums $1,832.46 Payroll Deductions
3 AFLAC Unreimbursed Medical $3,404.28 Payroll Deductions
4 Internal Revenue Service $87,788.40 FICA
5 MASA Medical Air Services Assn $760.00 Payroll Deductions
6 Great West Retirement Service $10,055.13 Deferred Compensation
7 Wyoming Retirement System $60,744.54 Retirement Contribution
8 Health Benefit Plan $91,370.00 Plan Benefit
11 ADAPCO Sanitation 1,262.00 Larvicide
12 Agri Industries Inc & Sax Electric Parks 11.92 Gasket Lube
13 Aldrich’s Aqua, Parks 162.84 Downspout, Concrete & Paint
14 Aqua Flow International Inc. Water 2,127.40 Annual Water Dock Maintenance
15 AT&T Mobility Admin, PD 227.18 Monthly Cell Phone Charges
16 Auto Plumber Exhaust Parks, Streets 1,895.00 Running Boards & Rack
17 Blair’s Market Aquatics 5.98 Buns for Concessions
18 Bloedorn Lumber Water 26.28 Screws
19 Border States Electric Supply Electric 26,532.29 Connectors, Meter Cans, Reclosers
& Junctions
20 Bradford Supply Company Parks, Water 295.09 Irrigation Fittings, Plumbing Parts &
Pipe Fittings
21 City of Powell ~ Utilities Various 26,785.95 Monthly Utility Fees
22 Copenhaver, Kitchen & Kolpitcke, LLC Attorney 4,000.00 July Attorney Fees
23 Crum Electric Supply Building, Elec 2,799.64 Lighting Contactors & Connectors
24 DEX Imaging Aqua, Finance 127.66 Monthly Copy Machine Fees
25 Energy Laboratories, Inc Water, W Wat 1,356.00 Water & Waste Water Testing
26 Engineering Associates ARPA 2,056.40 Storm Drain Design
27 Fremont Beverages, Inc. Aquatics 284.36 C02 & Soda
28 Garland Light & Power Electric 210.00 Help with outages
29 General Distributing Company Aquatics 150.00 CO2 Tank Rental
30 Graybar Electric Company Electric 10,134.85 Lamps & Light Fixtures
31 Kimball Midwest Electric 583.10 Tape, Coat, Hardware & Batteries
32 KPOW Police 150.00 Advertising Fees
33 Long Building Technologies, Inc Police 2,288.14 Repair Air Conditioning
34 McConnell, Ty Water 31.19 iPhone Charger
35 Northwest Industrial Supply Co, Inc Streets 99.84 Marking Paint
36 Northwest Pipe Fittings Water 340.38 Valve Box Risers
37 Northwest Rural Water District Airport 222.50 July Water Fees
38 O’Reilly Automotive, Inc. Sani & Shop 384.04 Filters, Fuse Holders, Window Crack
Repair & Parts
39 Old Dominion Brush Streets 2,015.86 Wire for Brooms
40 Powell Ace Hardware, LLC Various 537.17 Misc. Purchases for Various Depts
41 Production Machine Company Parks 450.00 Repair Swings Southside Park
42 Rocky Mountain Power Waste Water 22.97 RD 6 Pump Fees
43 Roselli Cleaning Services Various 4,900.00 Monthly Cleaning Service
44 Ryno’s Rental Sanitation 221.10 Brush Hog Rental Fees
45 Sapp, Tim Council 17.42 Mileage SMP Meeting
46 Sherwin-Williams Streets 236.46 Beads & Hoses
47 Tesco - The Eastern Specialty Co Electric 414.00 Quarterly Services
48 Van Diest Supply Company Sanitation 4,160.00 Adulticide
49 Verizon Wireless Various 864.12 Monthly Cell Phone Charge
50 Western Collision Police 100.00 Towing Services
51 White Ink Police 162.50 Business Cards, Postage Fees &
52 Wyoming Dept of Transportation Administration 4.00 License Plate Transfer Total Claims: $98,655.63
Publ., Tues., Sept. 10, 2024


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