City of Powell minutes Dec. 16, 2024


City of Powell minutes

City Council Proceedings
December 16, 2024
The governing body of the City of Powell met in regular session at 6:00 p.m. on December 16, 2024, in the Council Chambers of City Hall. Mayor John Wetzel called the meeting to order, and the following were present: Council Members Floyd Young, Steven Lensegrav, Zane Logan and Lesli Spencer. Absent Councilman Geoff Hovivian and Tim Sapp. City Officials: Administrator Zack Thorington, City Clerk Tiffany Brando, Chief of Police Jim Rhea, Building Official/Airport Manager Ben Hubbard and City Attorney Alexa Rolin. Approval of Agenda: Councilman Young moved to approve the agenda as presented, seconded by Councilwoman Spencer, unanimous approval, MOTION CARRIED.
Approval of December 2, 2024 Minutes: Councilwoman Spencer moved to approve as presented, seconded by Councilman Young, unanimous approval, MOTION CARRIED. Bills and Claims: Mayor Wetzel abstained #52. Councilman Lensegrav made a motion the bills be allowed and authorize the Treasurer to draw warrants for payment of the same, seconded by Councilman Logan, unanimous approval, MOTION CARRIED.
Police Department Patches and Vehicle Decal upgrade: Chief Rhea gave an overview of the newly designed patches and vehicle decals and how staff worked to choose new designs to represent the department. Chief Rhea discussed the budget and how the patch redesign will be budgeted, and the new decals will go on new vehicles as the fleet is replaced. Council discussed the last time the design was updated and liked the new designs presented. City Airport Hangar Request Orville Moore spoke on requesting on renting the City hangar at the airport to put in a maintenance and repair shop at the airport with son Phillip Moore. Mayor Wetzel was in agreement with the use. City Clerk Brando clarified it is the daily use hangar they would be requesting to use. Building Official/Airport Manager Hubbard spoke on seeing a contract/lease in place to accommodate the business and to discuss the timeline and what it would look like. Councilman Lensegrav spoke on the airport policy manual rules. Council would like staff to work through an agreement and bring it back before council for approval. Discussion on allowing Mr. Moore to continue at this time until an agreement is in place. Councilwoman Spencer made a motion to allow temporary work to Orville Morre to utilize the City hangar until a lease is in place, seconded by Councilman Lensegrav, unanimous approval, MOTION CARRIED.
Request Waiver of Fees at Commons Dec. 21, 2024 for EMS Christmas Party – no discussion. Councilman Lensegrav moved to approve, seconded by Councilman Young, unanimous approval, MOTION CARRIED. Rail to Trail Project: PEP Executive Director, Rebekah Burns presented the ongoing project they are working on to get a pathway between Garland and Ralston. Ms. Burns detailed organizations they have engaged with regarding funding and resources and next steps for PEP is to fundraise to pay for surveyed engineered drawings. Mayor Wetzel asked what the planned budget is: planning phase $150,000; construction of pathway is hard to estimate without the drawings. Ms. Burns stated in City limits the path may look to be on North Street or South Street, fencing on the pathway would be needed to be wildlife safe as well as being a paved pathway.
Powell Airport Expansion: Rebekah Burns spoke on previous strategic plans and the airport master plan, discussion on the amount of land available to be used at the airport for expansion. Building Official/Airport Manager Hubbard discussed the ongoing master plan update currently being worked on to be presented in the next month. Ms. Burns discussed alternatives and ideas on what to look for development at Powell Municipal Airport and the 3 phases. Ms. Burns discussed engaging with utilities, analyzing rental rates, and the preliminary engineering report need to look at grant funding. Committee Updates: Councilwoman Spencer Golf Board, Councilman Lensegrav Rec Board. Ordinance No. 7, 2024: Read by title by Attorney Rolin - An Ordinance Amending Section 17.12.030 of the Powell City Code Pertaining to Schedule of Zones, Uses and Regulations. Councilman Young discussed Planning & Zoning approval, and Building Official Hubbard discussed the setbacks with zoning specifically. Councilman Lensegrav moved to approve on first reading, seconded by Councilwoman Spencer, unanimous approval, MOTION CARRIED.
Resolution 13, 2024: A Resolution of the City of Powell Wyoming Updating Fees and Charges Scheduled for Various Municipal Services and Products and Establishing and Effective Date of January 1, 2025. Administrator Thorington spoke on the fee updates. Mayor Wetzel clarified the Agenda stated Resolution 12, 2024 and this is Resolution 13, 2024. Councilman Logan made a motion to amend the agenda and correct Resolution 13, 2024, seconded by Councilman Lensegrav, unanimous approval, MOTION CARRIED. Councilwoman Spencer moved to approve Resolution 13, 2024 and authorize necessary signatures, seconded by Councilman Logan, unanimous approval, MOTION CARRIED. General Announcements: Mayor Wetzel thanked Councilwoman Spencer for years of service to the City of Powell.
Adjourn: There being no further business to be considered at this meeting; Councilman Logan moved to adjourn, seconded by Councilwoman Spencer, unanimous approval, MOTION CARRIED. Mayor Wetzel adjourned the regular meeting at 6:58 p.m.
/s/ John F. Wetzel, Mayor​​​​​​​​
​/s/ Tiffany Brando, City Clerk

City of Powell payments

1 AFLAC Dependent Childcare $416.66 Payroll Deductions
2 AFLAC Insurance Premiums $1,832.46 Payroll Deductions
3 AFLAC Unreimbursed Medical $3,404.28 Payroll Deductions
4 Internal Revenue Service $131,945.56 FICA
5 MASA Medical Air Services Assn $741.00 Payroll Deductions
6 Great West Retirement Service $16,092.53 Deferred Compensation
7 Wyoming Retirement System $93,470.64 Retirement Contribution
8 Wyoming Child Support $429.21 Child Support
9 Health Benefit Plan $95,970.00 Plan Benefit TOTAL PAYROLL RELATED: $344,302.34 TOTAL PAID WAGES IN NOVEMBER 2024 $469,186.83
9 360 Business Solutions Police 102.84 Correction Tape, Paper
10 Aldrich’s Parks, Streets 59.54 Spring Snap, Cement
11 Alsco Various 234.32 Mat Cleaning
12 Ascent Aviation Group, Inc Airport 30.00 Communication Fees
13 Bailey Enterprises Inc Various 8,871.61 Fuel Purchases
14 Big Brothers Big Sisters, Greater Wyo Council 1,250.00 2nd Quarter Special Request
15 Big Horn COOP Marketing Assoc Electric 2,544.00 Tires
16 Big Horn Redi Mix Water 1,136.50 Sand Slurry
17 Blair’s Market Aqua, Police 26.76 Ziplock Bags & Kleenex
18 Border States Electric Supply Electric 726.65 Cutting Jaw & Locks
19 C & B Operations Parks 26,500.00 Mower
20 CardConnect Aquatics 375.64 Credit Card Fees
21 CivicPlus Admin 827.40 Annal MuniCode Supplement
22 Cock, Justin Police 400.00 Online Course Fees
23 Coffman Associates, Inc. Airport 6,315.00 Airport Master Plan
24 Copenhaver, Kitchen & Kolpitcke, LLC Attorney 4,000.00 Attorney Fees
25 Crisis Intervention Services Council 3,000.00 2nd Quarter Special Request
26 Cross Petroleum Service Shop 856.15 Bulk Oil
27 DrivePayments Water 115.75 Credit Card Fees
28 Energy Laboratories, Inc Waste Water 1,125.00 Waste Water Testing
29 Engineering Associates ARPA, Inspect 3,743.92 Storm Drain Bidding & General
30 Fremont Motor Riverton Water 47,474.00 2025 Chevrolet Silverado
31 Garland Light & Power Various 3,245.95 Electric Bills
32 General Distributing Company Aquatics 3,668.00 CO2
33 Graybar Electric Company Airport 2,677.58 Light Bulbs
34 Gutierrez, Isaac Police 12.25 State ID
35 Hartford, The Various 1,530.79 Monthly LTD Benefit
36 Intermountain Sweeper Company Shop 265.92 Filters
37 John Deere Financial Various 457.89 Filters, Trash Bags, FR Shirts, K9 Food & Brush
38 Kimball Midwest Electric 429.65 Cleaner, Screws & Tape
39 Kois Brothers Equipment Sanitation 78.18 Solenoid
40 Montana Dakota Utilities Co Various 5,852.89 Monthly Gas Bills
41 Ness, Joy Police 522.00 Dispatch Polo Shirts
42 O’Reilly Automotive, Inc. Police, Water 443.33 Parts, Anti Gel & Fuel Additive
43 Office Shop, The Police 126.86 Copy Machine Fees
44 One-Call of Wyoming Elec, Water 44.25 Dig Tickets
45 County Court Supervised Treatment Council 1,250.00 2nd Quarter Special Request
46 Park County Landfills Sanitation 23,232.75 Solid Waste Tipping Fees
47 Petty Cash Admin, Sani 40.08 Meal Reimbursements
48 Powell Ace Hardware, LLC Various 251.37 Cleaners, Batteries, Plumbing &
49 Powell Electric Electric 105.94 Expansion Joint
50 Powell Recreation District Council 3,000.00 2nd Quarter Special Request
51 Powell Senior Citizens Ago-Go Council 7,500.00 2nd Quarter Special Request
52 Powell Tribune Various 3,167.00 Advertising & Publishing Fees
53 Powell Valley Recycling Task Force Council 15,202.61 Special Request Glass Crusher & Fees
54 Powell Welding & Industrial Supply Water 32.50 9v Battery
55 Print With Kelly Aquatics 598.72 Fall Brochure
56 Pro Baler Services, Inc. Sanitation 30,154.20 Horizontal Baler 25% Down Deposit
57 Pro-Vision Inc Police 6,400.36 In Car Video Camera Kit
58 Production Machine Company Police, Sani 202.37 Clip Material & Steel Plate
59 Rimrock Tire Corp Sanitation 55.00 Rotate Tires
60 Ryan Brothers Trucking Sanitation 1,450.00 Cardboard Hauling Fees
61 Saber Pest Control, LLC. Aquatics 100.00 Monthly Pest Control
62 Shoshone Municipal Pipeline Water 63,582.42 Water Usage & Tap Equivalents
63 State of Wyoming Dept of Revenue Aqua, Electric 14,520.73 Sales Tax Collected
64 Spomer, Kacey Streets 1,500.00 Sidewalk Replacement Cost Share
65 TCT Various 741.98 Phone, Fax, Internet & TV
66 Tesco - The Eastern Specialty Co Electric 414.00 Quarterly Adaptive Services
67 Valli Information Systems, Inc. Finance 1,755.85 Utility Billing Postage & Processing Fees
68 Visa Various 11,357.04 Misc. Purchasing & Processing Fees
69 White Ink Police 82.12 Office Supplies & Postage Fees
70 WPCI Various 91.28 Drug Testing Fees
71 WRAP Technologies, Inc Police 132.90 BolaWrap Batteries
72 WY Dept of Environmental Quality Airport 400.00 Aviation Tank Fees 2025
73 Wyoming Assoc of Municipalities Council 765.00 Winter WAM Registrations- Logan,
Lensegrave & Bray
74 Wyo Assoc of Rural Water Systems Water 495.00 WARWS Membership
75 Wyo Conference of Building Officials Inspection 50.00 Annual Membership
76 Wyoming Municipal Power Agency Electric 313,641.90 November Electric Charges
77 Wyoming Secretary of State Police 120.00 Notary Fees, Meyer & Lechner
78 Youth Clubs of Park County Council 4,500.00 2nd Quarter Special Request
Total Claims Due 12-17-2024: $635,963.74
Publ., Tues., Dec. 31, 2024


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