Cell towers, wind generators and solar panels

Submitted by Linda Graff
Posted 7/25/23

Dear editor:

After reading the article about the cell tower going up in Wapiti I wanted to say a few things about companies that are allowed to do anything they want while ignoring the concerns …

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Cell towers, wind generators and solar panels


Dear editor:

After reading the article about the cell tower going up in Wapiti I wanted to say a few things about companies that are allowed to do anything they want while ignoring the concerns of the people who might be affected by their thoughtlessness.

I would like to know how much land will be destroyed when they build the road to this tower and for the tower itself. I would like to know if they spoke to any of the local people to see how they felt about this cell tower before they chose that spot. Did any of those people complain about the spottiness of the cell coverage in the area? Was an environmental impact statement done? 

I would also like to know if the people who own these companies would like one of these in their own backyard. Al Gore touted wind generators all over the place but he didn’t want them in his backyard.

Every time a new cell tower, wind farm or solar farm goes up it sets a new precedent for future towers, generators or solar panels.

I want these companies to stop destroying our land, at least until they can prove we really need what they are selling.  

Linda Graff



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