Bring historic homesteading back to Homesteader Days coverage

Submitted by Debbie Stromberger
Posted 9/19/23

Dear editor:

We enjoy your publication and subscribed to it even before we became members of the community. The Tribune most always depicts the flavor of Powell as a community. You have a rich …

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Bring historic homesteading back to Homesteader Days coverage


Dear editor:

We enjoy your publication and subscribed to it even before we became members of the community. The Tribune most always depicts the flavor of Powell as a community. You have a rich agricultural heritage that is still a vital part of your economy. However, maybe there could have been more coverage of the agricultural history which Homesteader Days is all about.

Let’s put the Homesteader back into Homesteader Days. I’m sure the community could benefit with historical insight into what it took to produce a living in the past, especially for this area. Let’s show some appreciation to the volunteers who put their hard work and resources together to put on the farm equipment demonstrations in conjunction with the Homesteader Museum whose efforts keep this community’s rich agricultural heritage alive.

Debbie Stromberger



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