Book bans in New Hanover County

Submitted by Phil Anthony
Posted 9/12/23

Dear editor:

I listened with interest to a story on NPR’s Morning Edition this morning, involving the New Hanover County, North Carolina school board banning the book …

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Book bans in New Hanover County


Dear editor:

I listened with interest to a story on NPR’s Morning Edition this morning, involving the New Hanover County, North Carolina school board banning the book “Stamped.” I am disappointed in the lack of vision within the revisionist history movement. There is so much more to accomplish! We need to expand into world history!

Take, for example, Nazis and the Holocaust. There were good people on both sides, right? Why aren’t public schools teaching about the fact that Jews, homosexuals, gypsies, and other “deviants” (Hitler’s word, not mine) rounded up during the Holocaust were actually gainfully employed? They were making bricks in order to expand concentration camps, or working in the munitions factory making weapons with which to kill commies and libtards, or working on the farm growing food for REAL humans.

And what about ancient aliens, building pyramids both in Egypt and South/Central America? We need to be teaching more about that! Wait — is that history or science? Who cares!

On the subject of science — it’s not enough to give equal weight to Darwin’s Theory of Evolution in comparison to Intelligent Design. Astrology is being completely overlooked, as are yetis, vampires, werewolves, Loch Ness monsters, and any number of other creatures the lamestream media would have you believe are “mythical.”

Some of your readers may not recognize sarcasm. Public schools used to teach about that. Good riddance to English literature and composition as a course study.

Phil Anthony



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