Being buried with military honors is the right of every eligible veteran

Submitted by Vincent Vanata
Posted 6/15/23

Dear editor:

Recently, I’ve been approached on the matter of military honors at funeral services for veterans. As such, I felt it appropriate to provide the following for our veterans and …

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Being buried with military honors is the right of every eligible veteran


Dear editor:

Recently, I’ve been approached on the matter of military honors at funeral services for veterans. As such, I felt it appropriate to provide the following for our veterans and their families for information and planning purposes.

10 USC 1491 is the reference for funeral honors functions at funerals for veterans. “The Secretary of Defense shall ensure that, upon request, a funeral honors detail is provided for the funeral of any veteran, except when military honors are prohibited under section 985(a) of this title.”

“A funeral honors detail shall, at a minimum, perform at the funeral a ceremony that includes the folding of a United States flag and presentation of the flag to the veteran’s family and the playing of Taps. Unless a bugler is a member of the detail, the funeral honors detail shall play a recorded version of Taps using audio equipment which the detail shall provide if adequate audio equipment is not otherwise available for use at the funeral.”

“Veteran Defined. — In this section, the term “veteran” means a decedent who-

(1) served in the active military, naval, or air service (as defined in section 101(24) of title 38) and who was discharged or released therefrom under conditions other than dishonorable; or

(2) was a member or former member of the Selected Reserve described in section 2301(f) of title 38.”


The US Code uses the word shall, not may, unless waived, in directing military funeral honors.

 Every veteran eligible for military funeral honors has paid the cost for that benefit in advance with their service to our country. The Department of Defense funds and provides this benefit. Also, any veteran organization, in lieu of armed forces members, providing support for funeral honors is provided a stipend as directed by the Secretary of Defense. No cost to the family is required for these honors.

 Funeral home directors typically have resources to ensure a veteran is provided with military funeral honors commensurate with the veteran’s service if requested.

 Should a family need assistance from the Wyoming Military Department with military funeral honors the following information is provided:

State Coordinator:(307)772-5136

NCOIC: (307)262-7370


Or visit the Military Funeral Honors website:

Also, Wyoming Veteran Service Officers are stationed throughout the state and are available to assist veterans and families with federal and state veterans’ benefits, health care, VA disability, and pension claims. I encourage you to please seek them out if you have questions. Their contact information is available at:

 In closing, veterans should ensure they have a correct DD214/215 and/or NGB22 (discharge documents) on hand, and available for their families, should they desire military funeral honors upon their passing and to assist their surviving spouse and/or children with death benefits if applicable. Any Wyoming veteran service officer should be able to assist in obtaining copies of these documents if needed. Please keep in mind these documents can take a couple of weeks to obtain from the National Archives, if available. Emergency circumstances can cause the request to be expedited, but should be the exception not the norm. These documents can also be recorded with your county clerk’s office for safekeeping, at no charge to the veteran. 

Vincent Vanata

Wyoming Veterans Commission

District 5


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